Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014

As most of you know Jacob was one of three kids chosen for the Cleveland Clinic Children's Courage Award.  We attended the event this past Friday where the kids were honored and given their awards.  They also had made a video of each of the kids, here's a link to the videos:

Jacob had a wonderful evening where he was treated like a celebrity! 

                                                                Jacob and Dr. Zahka

                                                  Jacob and Stefani Schaefer dancing away!

It was a wonderful evening to celebrate Jacob overcoming the difficult road he had while in the hospital.  Jacob's last cath went well, his next cath is scheduled for May 16.

Here's a link to his interview with Stefani Schaefer:

Update on Sarah too:  She wore a 30 day holter to watch her heart rhythm and she had enough episodes of tachycardia in the lower chambers of her heart that the team (the same team that Jacob has) wants Sarah to have an ICD placement.  This implantable cardioverter defibrillator would shock her heart back into rhythm if it would began to beat rapidly out of control.  She's having this done on May 14.  It will consist of a 3 hour surgery and an overnight stay.  She's in good spirits about it. 

Hope you enjoy the videos!


  1. So proud of you, Jacob! YOU make my heart smile! Best wishes to your sister on her surgery!

    Come see me before the year is over!!

  2. What an awesome evening for a well-deserving student and family. Our prayers are with Sarah during her surgery.
